in Christ i strong enough^^

long time didnt write my blog because of busying $$$...must hard work on writing my blog started from now...and wish for me and my beloved one kai wen will be love 4ever and wait for him 4 yr <3 .... started our love relationship from 28th December 2011...i love u the most kelvin tan kai wen...beloved sha gua lao gong <3

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i like DOG

Today...wanna post something on my blog...i post some picture of my best friend dog....3 in yellow color dog....
This dog name Amanda...she is a cute and like to "MANJA" to people using her hand to rub her face and ears...cute....she is a mix havanese dog....when she still a baby...she is a very quiet and shy dog....but when she was grow...she changed a lot...become naughty girl...hehe~~
Simon..Is my best friend third dog...golden retriever dog...he very smart...when I ask for shake hand...he will shake hand with me...when throw ball to him to fetch up...he will go find the ball that i have throw to other side of the house....and wag tail give me back the ball....he like to play with people....his saliva left on my cloth all the time...hehe....
This is my photo that i take with Simon....he so silent when take handsome...hehe...wanna hug him...but he so naughty when saw me and crawl over me...aikksss....cute....make me more dirty
This 3 doggie,most i like is Jack...because from he still small....then i look at him...whatever he always bite me,scratch me,bark at me, and play with me but i still like him....he just like my own son....hope my future baby not so naughty such as him...hehe~~Jack is a kind of chihuahua mix with fox dog..a cute and naughty dog...when he naughty,he will start barking people and bite people....really cant control him!But I already get used to his attitude to me...hehe~muackss....i love my best friend too whatever i always argue with her....but i still treat her as my best best friend in my you...wong ooi boon....and all our baby dog...

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